Proactive Servicing UX Redesign

Objective & Scope

Servicing today is largely reactive, focusing on resolving problems rather than building positive customer engagement. The results are higher call volumes, call handle times and higher operating expenses. In approaching this challenge, we considered the following:

  • Proactive Communications:

    • Implement real-time notifications for potential disputes and fraudulent activity via email, SMS, or mobile app alerts

    • Regularly communicate best practices for safeguarding accounts, identifying fraud, and the steps to take if customers suspect fraudulent activity

  • Enhanced Self-Service Options

    • Update our Disputes Center where customers can view recent transactions, dispute charges, freeze accounts, and submit claims for disputed transactions quickly

    • Integrate conversational AI that can help customers initiate disputes, answer frequently asked questions

  • Targeted journeys include, Card Replacements and Disputes – both Fraud and Billing


While competitors innovate, our call volumes remain high, serving as a damaging source of detractors. Our research was informed by:

  • 50+ internal stakeholder interviews across Product, Technology, Operations, Analytics and CX

  • Analytics revealing that monthly call volumes exceed 1.3 million across target journeys, 22% of which leading to detractorship

  • Competitors outperform us in Cards, including perceptions in the ability to resolve issues quickly and painlessly

  • Projected 5-year benefit of $125 million through cost savings and incremental revenue

Design Recommendations

Our Results:

  • By embedding push-notification enrollment into the dispute submission journey we achieved 70% enrollment, a decrease of 300,000 monthly calls at a cost of $5-$7 per call, and an average cost savings of $1.8 million monthly

  • Prioritizing Fraud and Dispute solutions in tandem with correlating Card Replacement ideas provided for a streamlined experience

  • Solutions enabled customers to continue uninterrupted spending by providing Instant Account Numbers for digital wallets

Comprehensive research of competitive intelligence provided for insights into best practices and trending technologies

Personae-driven journey mapping and ideation zeroed in on pain points across targeted journeys

Qualitative and quantitative data assessment ensured well-crafted ‘How Might We’ questions, setting us up for innovative ideation

From ideation to prioritization

Next steps

  • Aggregate list of potential solutions from workshop

  • Prioritize solutions that maximize CX impact while remaining mindful of effort

  • Partner with Governance, Analytics, Operations, and Product Teams to T-Shirt size risk and technical demands of solutions for informed prioritization

Workshop ideas aggregated, ranked and validated


Small Business Onboarding UX Design


Next Gen Payments UX Redesign